Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Apartment Search Continues

We've been scouring the internet over the last few days for an apartment. Like San Francisco, the housing market here is competitive and tight so we haven't made a lot of progress so far.

We've also stumbled on a number of scam listings (generally written in English) that wind up being remarkably similar, from the fact that the poster claims to have taken a job in the UK to the promise of a large DVD collection in the apartment. The key part of the scam is that they want you to wire them money via Western Union before the deal can be closed. Incredible!

We have gone to two apartment showings so far, but neither has turned out so well. One of the apartments was old and kind of dirty, so we said no to that one. The other one was really far out in the country, and before we even got there we realized that it was too far for a daily commute. I recorded that trip in a YouTube video for your viewing pleasure:


  1. That's crazy! An hour and a half train ride? Were they expecting people from Stockholm to commute from there?

    -Broder Erik

  2. It seems more like being within an hour & a half of Stockholm is a perk of the area. I doubt they actually expect a commuter to live there...but then again, people commute to DC from Fredericksburg and they are crazy and crazy people exist everywhere to a certain extent.
    -Syster Melissa
