Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Nature Documentary

The past few days have been dominated by the apartment hunt, and today was no different. First thing this morning, we took a short trip from Stockholm Central down to Årsta to look at the loveliest apartment we have seen so far. Thank goodness we have more or less adjusted to the new time zone!

I don`t want to say too much and risk jinxing it--our chances of getting the place are based on the friends of the current tenants deciding not to take the lease--but the place is new, clean, adorable, and situated between all the public transit connections a person could want and a clear and quiet field to walk around in nature. Watch our newest video to see more!


  1. Oooh, fingers crossed! But not in a jinx-it sort of way...

  2. If you ever need to switch careers, Kevin, may I recommend nature documentary voice-overs?

  3. will keep my fingers crossed for you on this apartment...sounds perfect. hugs

  4. I watched your video and all I could think of was the Monty Python sketch "How Not To Be Seen."

  5. So so so silly. Oh, and that's interesting about the rosehips. That's something really popular here, too, especially the juice. We don't care for it too much ourselves, though. =P
